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Senator Collins Welcomes New Harbor Native as Spring Intern

020822-RP1-1926 (2)

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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Susan Collins announced that Harrison Ransley, a New Harbor native, has been awarded a spring internship in her Washington, D.C., office. Harrison is the son of Robert Ransley and Harriett Wall.


“I am delighted to welcome Harrison to my Washington, D.C., office,” said Senator Collins. “Harrison demonstrated impressive leadership skills in the classroom, and I am pleased that he will have the opportunity to see the legislative process firsthand as well as serve his fellow Mainers.”


Harrison is a senior at the University of Maine, where he is pursuing a double major in political science and economics. At UMaine, he served as a senator in student government for several years before becoming president of the student body. Harrison loves the outdoors and has worked as a whitewater rafting guide. After graduation, he plans to work on Capitol Hill while continuing his education.

